Sunday, March 10, 2019

Banks in the Philippines

- List of commits in the Filipinos From Wikipedia, the on the loose(p) encyclopedia TheFilipinoshas a comprehensive camber buildinging system encompassing various types of banks, from oversizeuniversal banksto small(a) agrarian banksand evennon-banks. As at 31 March 2011, there are 19 universal banks, 19 commercial-gradeized banks, 73thrift banks, 595 rustic banks, 40 reference unionsand 15 non-banks with quasi-banking functions, all licensed with theBangko Sentral ng Pilipinas( aboriginal camber of the Philippines) underRepublic Act none 791, also k directn as the General curseing Act of 2000, share some the same powers. - - Powers of a universal bank A universal bank has the same powers as a commercial bank with the following spare powers the powers of an authorisement houseas provided in existing laws and the power to invest in non-allied enterprises. List of local universal banks political relation- have * Al-Amanah Islamic Investment camber of the Philippines * su ppuration swear of the Philippines Land border of the Philippines editPrivate-owned 1. Banco de Oro Universal assert 2. metropolitan bound and Trust Company 3. cuss of the Philippine Islands 4. Philippine home(a) rim 5. Rizal commercial swearing weed 6. Union depone of the Philippines 7. China deposeing Corporation 8. Citibank 9. East westerly cashbox 10. Philippine nest egg lodge 11. Philtrust strand(Philippine Trust Company) 12. pledge bevel 13. United coconut meat Planters bank 14. allied banking concern Corporation - editPowers of a commercial bankIn addition to having the powers of a thrift bank, a commercial bank has the power to accept drafts and issueletters of credit synthesis and negotiatepromissory notes, drafts,bills of substitute, and otherwise evidences ofdebt accept or create film deposits receive other types of deposits and deposit substitutes buy and sell foreign exchange andgoldorsilverbullion acquire marketablebondsand other debt securitie s and extend credit. editList of local commercial banks * Asia United rely * coast of commercialism * BDO Private hope( appurtenant of Banco de Oro) * Philippine savings bank of Communications Philippine Veterans posit * Robinsons commit Corporation editList of foreign banks with commercial banking operations editBranches * Australia and young Zealand patoising sort out * Bangkok rim * till of America, N. A. * trust of China * Chinatrust Commercial intrust * Citibank, N. A. * Deutsche entrust AG * Hongkong and Shanghai vernacularing Corporation * ING Group * JPMorgan Chase * Korea diversify blaspheme * Mega International Commercial chamfer * Mizuho Corporate blaspheme * bill Chartered cuss * The stick of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. - editThrift banks editPowers of a thrift bankA thrift bank has the power to accept savings and time deposits, telephone number as a correspondent with other financial institutions and as a collection actor for government entities, issue mortgages, mesh in real estate legal proceeding and extend credit. In addition, thrift banks may also maintain checking accounts, act as a depository for government entities and local government units and engage in quasi-banking and money market operations subject to the approval of the Bangko Sentral. As per the banker Amit Malhotra, the performance of thrift banks are underrated. editList of local thrift banks editGovernment-owned * Philippine postal nest egg border editPrivately owned * Accord nest egg marge * Allied savings posit(subsidiary of Allied edge) * Anchor savings affirm * welkin Development bound * Asiatrust Development bank * depone of Calape * coin bank of Cebu * beachOne nest egg and Trust Corporation * situatewise * Bataan Development coin bank * Bataan Savings and Loan rim * bpi Direct Savings assert(subsidiary of bevel of the Philippine Islands) * BPI Family Savings coin bank(subsidiary of bank building of the Philippine Islands) * Bus iness and Consumers situate * speed of light Savings posit * Chinabank Savings(formerly Manila avow subsidiary of Chinabank) * urban center Savings coin bank * urban centerstate Savings bank Cordillera Savings and Loan beach * Dumaguete city Development believe * Dungganon posit * EIB Savings desire(subsidiary of exportation and Industry confide) * Equicom Savings coast * Express Savings trust * Farmers Savings and Loan situate * low Consolidated depone * GSIS Family cashbox(subsidiary of theGovernment Service Insurance System) * Hiyas brim * Iloilo City Development assert * Inter-Asia Development stick * ISLA wedge * Kauswagan coin bank * Legazpi Savings swan, Inc. * Lemery Savings and Loan rim * Liberty Savings and Loan friendship * Life Savings avow * Luzon Development Bank * Malasiqui Progressive Savings and Loan Bank Malayan Bank * Metro Cebu Public Savings Bank * Micro attempt Bank * Microfinance Maximum Savings Bank, Inc. (MAXBANK) * Northpoint Dev elopment Bank * Opportunity Microfinance Bank * Optimum Development Bank * Pacific Ace Savings Bank * Palawan Development Bank * Pampanga Development Bank * Penafrancia Savings and Loan affiliation * Philam Savings Bank(subsidiary ofPhilam Life) * Philippine Business Bank * Philippine Savings Bank(Metrobank Group) * Planters Development Bank * Premiere Development Bank(to be acquired by Security Bank) * Progress Savings and Loan Association * faerie City Development Bank Quezon cocoa palm Producers Savings and Loan Bank * RCBC Savings Bank (subsidiary of Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation) * Robinsons Savings Bank(subsidiary ofJG Summit Holdings) * Sampaguita Savings and Loan Association * San Pablo City Development Bank * Sandigan Savings Bank * Silangan Savings and Loan Bank * Sterling Bank of Asia * The Real Bank * Tower Development Bank * UCPB Savings Bank(subsidiary of United Coconut Planters Bank) * University Savings and Loan Bank * Village Savings and Loan Association * Vizcaya Savings and Loan Association * Wealth Development Bank * Winbank * human Partners Bank editList of foreign banks with thrift banking operations * Citibank(through Citibank Savings) * HSBC(through HSBC Savings Bank) * United oversea Bank - edit concerted and rural banks outlandish and cooperative banks are the more touristy type of banks in the rural communities. Their role is to promote and expand the rural economy in an orderly and effective manner by providing the stack in the rural communities with basic financial services. rural and cooperative banks divine service farmers through the stages of production, from buying seedlings to marketing of their produce. coarse banks and cooperative banks are differentiated from all(prenominal) other by ownership. While rural banks are privately owned and managed, cooperative banks are organized/owned by cooperatives or coalition of cooperatives. A rural bank has the power to provide adequate credit facilities to farmers and merchants or to cooperatives of such farmers and merchants and, in general, to the people of the rural communities of which the rural bank operates in. editList of cooperative banks * Agusan del Norte conjunct Bank * Bataan accommodating Bank * Banco Cooperativa de Zamboanga * Camiguin conjunctive Bank * Capiz Settlers reconciling Bank cooperative Bank of Agusan del tire * reconciling Bank of Aklan * co-op Bank of Aurora * Cooperative Bank of Benguet * Cooperative Bank of Bohol * Cooperative Bank of Bukidnon * Cooperative Bank of Bulacan * Cooperative Bank of Cagayan * Cooperative Bank of Camarines Norte * Cooperative Bank of Camarines tire * Cooperative Bank of Cavite * Cooperative Bank of Cebu * Cooperative Bank of Davao del Sur * Cooperative Bank of Ilocos Norte * Cooperative Bank of Iloilo * Cooperative Bank of La Union * Cooperative Bank of Lanao del Norte * Cooperative Bank of Misamis Oriental * Cooperative Bank of troop province Cooperative Bank of Negros Oriental * Cooperative Bank of Cotabato * Cooperative Bank of Nueva Ecija * Cooperative Bank of Palawan * Cooperative Bank of Pampanga * Cooperative Bank of Quezon Province * Cooperative Bank of Surigao del Sur * Cooperative Bank of Tarlac * Cooperative Bank of Zambales * Cooperative Bank of Zamboanga del Norte * Cooperative Bank of Zamboanga del Sur * Countryside Cooperative Bank of Batangas * First Isabela Cooperative Bank * Ilocos Sur Cooperative Bank * Leyte Cooperative Bank * Metro South Cooperative Bank * field of study Teachers and Employees Cooperative Bank * Occidental Mindoro Cooperative Bank Samahang Nayon Cooperative Bank of Nueva Vizcaya * Sorsogon Provincial Cooperative Bank * Southern Leyte Cooperative Bank editList of rural banks editAgusan del Norte * Green Bank editAgusan del Sur * Peoples Bank of Caraga, Inc. editAklan * arcadian Bank of Altavas * cracker-barrel Bank of Balete * rustic Bank of Banga (Aklan) * artless Bank of Makato * countrified Bank of New Washington * rural Bank of Malinao Microsavers Bank editAlbay * Camalig Bank * Cagsawa homespun Bank * Ibalon agrestic Bank * country Bank of Guinobatan editBataan * Balanga boorish Bank * Orani boorish Bank * coarse Bank of Abucay * country Bank of Bagac editBatangas 5 Speed verdant Bank * Balayan verbalise untaught Bank * Banco Batangan * Banco ng Masa * Bangko Kabayan * Batangas boorish Bank for Cooperatives * Bolbok unsophisticated Bank * Calaca clownish Bank * untainted arcadian Bank * Dynamic Bank * Empire untaught Bank * Excel awkward Bank * Farmers agricultural Bank * First Coconut arcadian Bank * Limcoma bucolic Bank * Lipa Bank * Lipa Public Bank * Lobo agricultural Bank * Malarayat country Bank * Mount Makiling outlandish Bank * New country Bank of Agoncillo * chairman Jose P. Laurel pastoral Bank * Progressive outlandish Bank * rustic Bank of Alitagtag * country-bred Bank of Padre Garcia * Sto Rosario bucolic BAnk * Womens rustic Bank, Inc. editBohol F irst Consolidated Bank editBiliran * hobnailed Bank of Naval, Inc. editBenguet * Benguet Center Bank * Diamond pastoral Bank * Highland countrified Bank * unsophisticated Bank of Baguio editBukidnon * Malaybalay farming(prenominal) Bank * Asian Hills Bank editBulacan * Agricom verdant Bank * Apex agrestic Bank * Baliuag verdant Bank * Banco rustic de General Tinio * Bangko Luzon * Bangko country ng Kalumpit * rural Bank of San Pascual inc. * Delmont Bank( boorish bank ofSan Jose del Monte City) * East Coast Rural Bank of Hagonoy * Emerald Rural Bank * Fil-Agro Rural Bank * Gateway Rural Bank * Meyacauayan Second Rural Bank, Inc. * La Consolacion Rural Bank Rural Bank of Angat * Rural Bank of Dona Remedios Trinidad * Silahis Bank * Rural Bank of Bustos * Rural Bank of Pandi editCagayan * Providence Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Gattaran * Claveria Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Sanchez Mira editCamarines Sur * Bangko Rural ng Magarao * Bangko Rural ng Pasacao * First Naga Rural Ba nk * G-7 Bank * Municipal Rural Bank of Libmanan * Municipal Rural Bank of Nabua * Penafrancia Rural Bank of Calabanga * Rural Bank of Sipocot * Rural Bank of Pamplona * Rural Bank of Minalabac * Rural Bank of San Fernando * Rural Bank of Cabusao * Rural Bank of San Jose * Rural Bank of Pili * Rural Bank of Milaor Rural Bank of Ragay * Rural Bank of Iriga editCamiguin * Mambajao fellowship Rural Bank * Philippine Intercity Rural Bank editCapiz * Farmers Bank of Capiz * President Roxas Rural Bank, Inc. * Rural Bank of Mambusao, Inc. * Rural Bank of Panay, Inc. * Rural Bank of Dao, Inc. * Rural Bank of pilar, Inc. * Rural Bank of Pilar, Inc. , Roxas City Branch * Rural Bank of Ivisan, Inc. * Rural Bank of Cuartero, Inc. * Rural Bank of Jamindan, Inc. * Rural Bank of Sapian, Inc. editCavite * Advance Rural Bank * Bangko Mabuhay * Capitol City Rural Bank of Trece Martires * Cavite Rural Banking Corporation * Cebuana Lhuillier Rural Bank Central Equity Rural Bank * confederacy Bank * F irst Reliance Bank * GMA Rural Bank of Cavite * Imus Rural Bank * Masuerte Rural Bank of Bacoor * Rural Bank of Amadeo * Rural Bank of Magallanes * Rural Bank of Maragondon * Unlad Rural Bank of Noveleta, Inc. editCebu * confines Rural Bank * Aspac Rural Bank * Banco Maximo * Banco of East Asia * Banco Rural de Isla Cordova * Cardinal Rural Bank * Coastal Bank * Community Rural Bank of Catmon * Community Rural Bank of Medellin * First Agro Industrial Rural Bank * Frontier Rural Bank * Lapu Lapu Rural Bank * Mactan Rural Bank * Philippine Countryside Rural Bank * Pilipino Rural Bank Plaza Rural Bank * Upland Rural Bank editCompostela Valley * Rural Bank, Inc. * Money center of attention Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Montevista(Davao), Inc * Rural Bank of Compostela(Davao), Inc * Rural Bank of Mawab editDavao del Norte * First Tagum Rural Bank, Inc. * Century Rural Bank editDavao del Sur * First Tagum Rural Bank, Inc. * Community Rural Bank of Magsaysay * One mesh Bank * Rural Bank of Digos, Inc. editDavao Oriental * First Tagum Rural Bank, Inc. * Rural Bank of Baganga editIfugao * Lagawe Highlands Rural Bank editIlocos Norte * Banco Dingras * Ilocandia Community Bank * Cooperative Bank of Ilocos Norte San Nicolas Cooperative Bank of Ilocos Norte-Laoag City * Cooperative Bank of Ilocos Norte-Batac City editIlocos Sur * Cordillera Bank * Vigan Banco Rural Incorporada * Rural Bank of Tagudin, Inc * Rural Bank of Cabugao, Inc. * Rural Bank of Sta. Maria, Inc * Sadiri Rural Bank, Inc. * Rural Bank of Magsingal, Inc. * Ilocos Sur Cooperative Bank editIloilo * Rural Bank of Guimbal (Iloilo) * Racsos Bank * Bangko Buena Consolidated * Rural Bank of Santa Barbara (Iloilo) * Community Rural Bank of San Joaquin * Farmers Trader Rural Bank * First inland Rural Bank * Janiuay Rural Bank * LifeBank * Progressive Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Alimodian Rural Bank of Anilao * Rural Bank of Badiangan * Rural Bank of Leganes * Rural Bank of Oton editIsabela * Banco Agricola * Gold en Rural Bank of the Philippines * Mallig Plains Rural Bank * Philippine Rural Banking Corporation * Rural Bank of Alicia * Rural Bank of Angadanan * Rural Bank of Benito Soliven * Providence Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Magsaysay, Isa. Inc. * Rural Bank of Cauayan, Inc. editLaguna * Rural Bank of Bay,Inc. * Binan Rural Bank * Card Rural Bank * De La O Rural Bank * Entrepreneur Rural Bank * First United Farmers Bank * discern Rural Bank * Ormon Bank * PlanBank Rural Bank of Canlubang Planters Provident Rural Bank of Santa Cruz * Rural Bank of Alaminos * Laguna Prestige Banking Corporation * Rural Bank of Lumban * Rural Bank of Mabitac, Inc. * Rural Bank of Nagcarlan * Rural Bank of Paete * Rural Bank of Pagsanjan * Rural Bank of Calauan * Rural Bank of Calamba * Malarayat Bank * Rural Bank Of Magdalena (Laguna) * CARD Bank editLanao del Sur * Bagong Bangko Rural ng Malabang * Maranao Rural Bank editLeyte * First Interstate Bank * Rural Bank of Dulag * Rural Bank of Hindang * Rural Ba nk of Hilongos * Rural Bank of Bato * Rural Bank of Burauen * Rural Bank of Ormoc * Rural Bank of Naval, Carigara Branch editSouthern Leyte * Rural Bank of Maasin * Rural Bank of Malitbog * Rural Bank of Padre Burgos * Rural Bank of Hinundayan * Rural Bank of San Juan editMaguindanao * New Settlers Bank editMetro Manila * AMA Bank * Baclaran Rural Bank * Banco de Jesus Rural Bank * Banco San Juan * Bangko Pasig * BMS Rural Bank * Builders Rural Bank * Country Rural Bank of Taguig * Enterprise neat Rural Bank * Filipino Savers Bank * Finman Rural Bank * First Country Rural Bank * First Macro Bank * parochial Rural Bank * MVSM Bank (A Rural Bank Since 1953) * Rodriguez Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Alabang * Bank of Makati * Tambunting Bank editMisamis Occidental * Community Rural Bank of Clarin * First Community Cooperative Bank of Misamis Occidental * Panguil Bay Rural Bank of Ozamiz * Rural Bank of Bonifacio * Rural Bank of Tudela * Bank of Misamis. The merging of Rural Bank of Tudel a, Mis. Occ. and Rural Bank of Kolambogan, Lanao del Nort * Rural Bank of Plaridel editMisamis Oriental * Bangko Rural ng Tagoloan * Community Rural Bank of Naawan * Philippine Farmers Bank * Rural Bank of Talisayan * first Valley Bank editMountain Province * Rural Bank of Sagada editNegros Occidental * Rural Bank of Marayo * Community Rural Bank of Magallon First Community Bank * First State Rural Bank * Nation Bank * New Rural Bank of Binalbagan, Inc. * New Rural Bank of capital of Seychelless * Rural Bank of Bacolod City editNegros Oriental * Central Visayas Rural Bank * Dumaguete Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Amlan * Rural Bank of Ayungon * Rural Bank of Bacong * Rural Bank of Guihulngan * Rural Bank of Valencia * Rural Bank of Manjuyod * Rural Bank of Larena * Rural Bank of Basay * Rural Bank of Pamplona * Rural Bank of Santa Catalina * SG Bank editNueva Ecija * Aliaga Farmers Rural Bank * Banco Rural de General Tinio * Bangko Luzon Inc. * Cabanatuan City Rural Bank * Citizens Rur al Bank Cooperative Bank of Nueva Ecija * Cuyapo Rural Bank * FARM Bank * GM Bank Inc. * Kabalikat Rural Bank * Masagana Rural Bank * Merchant Rural Bank of Talavera * Millennium Bank * New Rural Bank of Guimba * New Rural Bank of San Leonardo * Producers Rural Bank of San Jose City * Rural Bank of Laur * Rural Bank of Lupao * Rural Bank of Quezon * Rural Bank of Makati * Rural Bank of Sto. Domingo * Small & Medium Enterprise Bank * Towncall Rural Bank * Westmont Bank editNueva Vizcaya * Agri Business Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Aritao * Rural Bank of Solano * Cooperative Bank of Nueva Vizcaya editOriental Mindoro Oriental Tamaraw Rural Bank of Naujan * Rural Bank of Baco * Rural Bank of Gloria * Rural Bank of Bansud * Rural Bank of Pinamalayan * Rural Bank of Pola * Rural Bank of Naujan * Rural Bank of Victoria * Rural Bank of Socorro * Rural Bank of Bongabong editPampanga * Rural Bank of Porac * Banco Nuestra Senora del Pilar * Bank of Florida * Bangko San Lus (2nd Rural Bank of Sa n Luis) * Crown Bank * Delta Civic Bank * Guagua Rural Bank * Guagua Savers Bank * Rural Bank of Angeles * Rural Bank of Apalit * Rural Bank of San Luis * Unity Bank editPangasinan * Banco Rural de San Antonio * Bangko Pangasinan * Bani Rural Bank BHF Rural Bank * Corfarm Rural Bank of Umingan * CSF Rural Bank of Bayambang * disconnection Bank * Kaluyagan Rural Bank * Kaunlaran Rural Bank * Pangasinan Bank * Peoples Rural Bank of Binmaley * Rural Bank of Agno * Rural Bank of Alaminos * Rural Bank of Anda * Rural Bank of Dasol * Rural Bank of Bautista * Rural Bank of Mangaldan editQuezon * St. Jude Cooperative Bank * Quezon Capital Rural Bank * Grand-Agri Rural Bank * Mega Rural Bank * Polillo Island Rural Bank * Quezon Capital Rural Bank * Quezon Traders Rural Bank of Candelaria * Rural Bank of Alabat * Rural Bank of Atimonan * Rural Bank of Candelaria * Rural Bank of Dolores Rural Bank of Lucban * Rural Bank of Mauban * Rural Bank of Sariaya * Rural Bank of Tagkawayan * Tiaong Rur al Bank editRizal * Binangonan Rural Bank * Eastern Rizal Rural Bank * Filidian Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Cardona * Growers Rural Bank * Tanay Rural Bank * Rizal Rural Bank (Taytay), Inc. * Rural Bank of Angono * Rural Bank of Antipolo * Rural Bank of Cainta * Rural Bank of Montalban * Rural Bank of Pililla editRomblon * Community Rural Bank of Romblon editSarangani * Rural Bank of DAR Beneficiaries Cooperative * Rural Bank of Alabel * Sarangani Rural Bank, Inc. editSouth Cotabato * Peninsula Rural Bank Peoples Rural Bank * Partner Rural Bank, Surallah, So. Cot. * Rural Bank of Norala (Norala, So. Cot. ), Inc. editSouthern Leyte * Community Rural Bank of Maasin editSultan Kudarat * Partner Rural Bank, Tacurong City editSurigao del Sur * Bangko Carrascal * Enterprise Bankwww. ebi. ph * Cantilan Bank, Inc. editSurigao del Norte * Surigaonon Rural Banking Corporation * Evergreen Rural Bank,Inc. * Siargao Bank * Rural Bank of Placer editTarlac * Bangko Santo Nino * Camiling Rural Bank * First Provincial Bank * Rural Bank of Tarlac * Rural Bank of Victoria * Rural Bank of Pura * Rural Bank of La Paz * St. Michael Rural Bank editZambales * Community Rural Bank of San Felipe * Countryside Rural Bank of Palauig * Maharlika Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Cabangan * Zambank * Unity Bank * Rural Bank of Candelaria Zambales, Inc. * Rural Bank of San Narcisco, Inc. * Rural Bank of San Marcelino, Inc. editZamboanga del Norte * Rural Bank of Labason * Community Rural Bank of Dapitan City * Rural Bank of Roxas * Katipunan Rural Bank * Rizal Rural Bank * Rural Bank of Dipolog City * Rural Bank of Siocon * Rural Bank of Liloy editZamboanga del Sur * Rural Bank of Pagadian City * Rural Bank of Salug Valley editZamboanga Sibugay * Rural Bank of Kabasalan Inc. editZamboanga City * Rural Bank of Siocon Inc. * Rural Bank of Zamboanga * Banco Cooperativa de Zamboanga - editDefunct or merged banks * CitytrustSavings Bank (acquired by Bank of the Philippine Islands) * Acme Savings Bank(Ac quired by the Sy Group of Companies and RenamedBanco De Oro) * Far East Bank and Trust Company(acquired by Bank of the Philippine Islands) * Peoples Bank and Trust Company(acquired by Bank of the Philippine Islands) * SolidBank Corporation (acquired by Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co) * G7 Bank * parochial Savings Bank(acquired by Citibank) International Exchange Bank(acquired by Union Bank of the Philippines) * Insular Bank of Asia and America (Merged withPhilippine Commercial International Bank) * Monte de Piedad Savings Bank(acquired by Keppel Bank) * Mindanao Development Bank(Merged with faithful Banking Corporation) * Ecology Bank(Merged with honorable Banking Corporation) * Keppel Bank(acquired byGE Capital Finance) * Philippine Commercial International Bank(merged with trusty Bank formingEquitable PCI Bankand now merged withBanco De Oro) * PCIBank Savings (bought by the HSBC Group and renamed HSBC Savings Bank. * DBS Bank Philippines Ltd. (acquired by BPI) * Equitable Banking Corporation(merged with PCI Bank formingEquitable PCI Bankand now merged withBanco De Oro) * Prudential Bank(acquired by Bank of the Philippine Islands) * urban Bank(forced to close then merged with Export and Industry Bank) * Equitable PCI Bank(merged with Banco de Oro) * Export and Industry Bank * American Express Bank(Renamed BDO Elite Savings Bank) * Equitable Savings Bank(merged with BDO) * Banco Santander Central Hispano (Philippine subsidiary acquired byBanco De Oroand renamed BDO Private Bank) * Dao Heng Bank(acquired by Banco e Oro) * 1st E Bank(Philippine Branches acquired by Banco de Oro) * United Overseas Bank(66 out of 67 Branches merged withBanco De Oro * BDO Elite Savings Bank (merged with BDO along with Equitable Savings, Equitable PCI and PCI Capital Corp) * GE Money Bank(acquired by Banco de Oro) * Green Bank of Caraga(Acquired by East West Bank) * LBC Development Bank * Traders Royal Bank (Acquired by Bank of Commerce) * Capitol Bank (acquired by RCBC, now named as RCBC Savings Bank) * Asianbank (acquired by Metrobank)

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