Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Characteristics of Effective and Dynamic Followers Essay

Article Review on the Characteristics of Effective and Dynamic Followers Leadership, defined as the influence oer a group of people, is one of the essential elements in validations and defines the type of pursual in an institution. Webber, in one of his leadership letters, discusses characteristics of followers in an organization or a society. This paper seeks to review Webbers article Kinds of followers. The informant comp ares an organization to a human body whose functionality is impaired as dour as one part of the body is not well. This, he argues, is the tush of spiritual strength in the sense that a church working under functionalist theory in which different parts depends on separately otherwise for sustenance. According to the author, this establishes the essence of effective followers, besides effective leaders, for a successful organization.Followers can be classified agree to the counsel they consider or the way they act. Classification according to how people think leads to two groups, in underage followers, also known as critical thinkers, and aquiline followers, uncritical thinkers (Webber, 2003, p. 1). Independent followers are considerate of their environment, initiatives, and even other peoples initiatives. They exhibit and are willing to exploit their condenser to generate solutions and alternatives. Dependent followers, however, lack creativeness and only cling to offered directions.This level of obedience instructions among uncritical thinkers is reported even in cases that demands creativity into alternative actions. Followers can also be classified according to their actions as either active or passive. Active followers participate in activities and engage with other members of the organization while passive members are limited in their actions and relations, and require regular supervision.While different other categories of followers may exist with a combination of these characteristics, survivors exhibits combined charact eristics of active, passive, dependent and independent followers (Webber, 2003). Webber, therefore, successfully explores the five categories of followers and points to survivors as the near effective and dynamic followers because of their diversified characteristics.ReferenceWebber, M. (2003). Kinds of followers. Retrieved fromhttp//

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