Monday, March 11, 2019
Dominating the poem Essay
Ode to Nightingale is an antithesis of life and cobblers coda, with death very some(prenominal) dominating the poem (Keats suffered from tuberculosis, and his description of men torture in Ode to a Nightingale could indicate that he himself was in slap-up irritation when he wrote the poem), whereas The overture describes a conflict between macrocosm and nature, and Ode to Autumn is simply admiring an aspect of nature. However, Keats and Wordsworth both(prenominal) allude to standards expressed in the philosophical viewpoint Romanticism. Wordsworth gibibyteght that the individual could understand nature without hostel or civilisation, and this is the stance that he takes in The Prelude.The metaphor of a iodin person in a gravy boat in the middle of a huge lake represents one person in isolation from society. The mountain that towers oer the person in the boat represents the raw baron of nature, so much more regent(postnominal) than a mere human (a Romantic ideal is that nature comes first, while people and their thoughts and activities come second. Wordsworth takes it to extreme in The Prelude with his descriptive comparison of the huge peak, black and huge and the little boat. The imagery comes across very vividly in the poem, and man seems peanut when compared with the huge and mighty tiers, that do not live like surviving men.)Keats excessively expresses his idea of the power of nature, but from a unalike viewpoint. He does not see nature as raw, wild power that is a colossus compared with trivial humans. He instead regards nature as a friend in suffering (in Ode to a Nightingale straightway more than ever it seems rich to diewhile thou fraud pouring thy soul abroad) and as a thing with its receive magic (Ode to Autumn Where are the verses of Spring?Think not of them, thou hast thy music too)In Ode to a Nightingale Keats also sees the nightingale as a thing of immense spiritual power, something so powerful that it can trigger his imagin ation and send him into a fantasy being of verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways where he can forget his pain for a short while, even though afterwards he is coerce to realise that his poetry cannot help him escape his pain permanently (the throw cannot cheat so well as she is famd to do, deceiving elf.)This is another resemblance which the two writers share they both describe spiritual experiences that arrive at happened to them. Wordsworth describes the erect that the view of the megalith mountain had on him (but after I had seen that spectacle, for many days, my brain worked with a dim and undetermined sense of mystic modes of being) and describes his feelings of solitude and blank desertion that were a trouble to his dreams.Keats uses a lot of very entrancing imagery (soft incense, embalmed tail, pastoral eglantine, musky rose, full of dewy wine and soft haunt of flies all create a very pop off picture of the fantasy world Keats has conjured up in his imagination, in fluenced by the song of the nightingale) and emotive language (the poem is full of exclamations such as outside(a), Adieu and Folorn that seem almost like laments, especially in the nerve of thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird) in Ode to a Nightingale, succeeding in drawing the reader into an bond with his thoughts where they can see, hark and smell everything that Keats is experiencing.This sort of empathy through poetry is very difficult to achieve, though Keats also manages it in Ode to Autumn through his descriptions of season of mists and mellow fertility. Keats does not speculate much on his experience in Ode to a Nightingale, except only to wonder was it a vision, or a open-eyed dream?Do I wake or sleep? However, this last question lets the reader themselves reflect on the meaning of the nightingale (though passim the poem the references to easeful death and Darkling make it obvious that the bird symbolises death.)Keats and Wordsworth have widely different style s of writing. Their poems commodiously differ in language form and structure, especially between Wordsworths simple language and Keats traditionally embellished diction. However, both poets have had troubled times in their lives, and their poems (Ode to a Nightingale and The Prelude) reflect this. They both portray their spiritual encounters with nature as having had a great effect on them, which is in keeping with the Romantic ideals of nature and spirituality. They also express their Romantic views of nature as a source of power, though they have different views on the type of power that nature possesses.
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