Monday, March 11, 2019
Surface Pressure Measurements on an Aerofoil
DEN 302 Applied Aerodynamics SURFACE PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS ON AN control rise up IN TRANSONIC FLOW Abstract The objective of this exercise is to stair the push distribution across the dig up on an airfoil in a wind tunnel. The open is streaked under several distinguish qualified Mach exquisites from step in sonic to super slender. The purpose of measuring the public press distributions is to assess the daring of the Prandtl-Glauert integrity and to demonstrate the changing chracteristics of the menstruum as the Mach frame attachs from subsonic to transonic.As a go of the experiment and computation of data, the aerofoil was found to take up a critical Mach subroutine of M=0. 732. Below this freestream Mach takings the Prandtl-Glauert honor predicted results very successfully. However, above this survey, the constabulary completely breaks down. This was found to be the result of local regions of ultrasonic flow and local piquewaves. Contents Abstract2 Apparat us2 1. consequence tramp Tunnel with Transonic Test Section2 2. Aerofoil model3 3. Mercury manometer3 Procedure3 Theory3 Results4 Discussion8 Transonic Flow8 psychoanalysis9 Conclusion11 Biblio representy11Apparatus 1. Induction Wind Tunnel with Transonic Test Section The tunnel utilize in this experiment has a transonic test section with storers, which, aft(prenominal) the contraction, remain nominally parallel bar a slight unlikeness to accommodate for boundary layer growth on the walls of the test section. The liners on the top and bottom are ventilated with longitudinal slots backed by plenum chambers to reduce interference and blockage as the Mach add together increase to transonic speeds. The working section dimensions are 89mm(width)*178mm(height). The stagnation twinge , p0? is finale to the atmospheric pressure of the lab and with only a small geological fault ,is taken to be equal to the settling chamber pressure. The reference atmosphericspressure, p? , is me asured via a pressure tapping in the floor of the working section, substantially upstream of the model so as to reduce the disturbance impu knock back to the model. The freestream Mach number, M? , raft be metrical by the ratio of passive to stagnation pressure. The tunnel airspeed is controlled by varying the pressure of the injected air, with the highest Mach number that spate be achieved by the tunnel being 0. 88. 2. Aerofoil modelThe model use is untapered and unswept, having the NACA 0012 symmetric section. The model consort length, c, is 90mm and the model has a maximum chord/thickness ratio of 12%. Non-dimensionalised co-ordinates of the aerofoil model are presumptuousness in table 1 beneath. Pressure tappings, 1-8 , are laid along the upper surface of the model at the positions detailed in table 1. An additional tapping, 3a, is placed on the lower surface of the aerofoil at the same chordwise position as tapping 3. The reason for including the tapping on the lower s urface is so that the model can be set at postcode incidence by equalizing the pressures at 3 and 3a 3.Mercury manometer A multitube mercury manometer is employ to record the measurements from the tappings on the surface of the model. The manometer has a locking mechanism which allows the mercury levels to be frozen so that readings can be taken aft(prenominal) the flow has stopped. This is expedient as the wind tunnel is noisy. The slope of the manometer is 45 degrees. Procedure The atmospheric pressure is first recorded, pat, in inches of mercury. For a hurtle of injected pressures, Pj, from 20 to 120Psi, the manometer readings are recorded for stagnation pressure (I0? , reference static pressure (I? ), and surface pressure form tappings on the model (In, for n=1-8 and 3a). Theory These compares are use in order to interpret and discuss the raw results achieved from the experiment. To convert a reading, I, from the mercury manometer into an absolute pressure, p, the followi ng is used p=patl-latsin? (1) For isentropic flow of a perfect spoil with ? =1. 4, the freestream Mach number,M? , is related to the ratio among the static and stagnation pressures by the equation M? =2? -1p? p0? -? -1? -1. 0(2) Pressure coefficient, Cp , is given byCp=p-p? 12 U? 2(3) For compressible flow this can be rewritten as Cp=2? M? 2pp? -1(4) The Prandtl-Glauert law states that the pressure coefficient, CPe, at a bill on an aerofoil in compressible, sub-critical flow is related to the pressure coefficient, CPi, at the same point in in incompressible flow by the equation CPe=CPi1-M? 2(5) overdue to its basis in on slenderise aerofoil theory, this equation does non provide an exact solution. However it is deemed reasonably accurate for cases such as this in which thin aerofoils are tested at small incidence.The law does not hold in super-critical flow when local regions of supersonic flow and shockwaves appear. The value of the critical pressure coefficient, Cp*, accordi ng to local sonic conditions is calculated by Cp*=10. 7M? 25+M? 263. 5-1for? =7/5(6) The co-ordinates for the NACA 0012 section are as follows find 1-Co-ordinates for aerofoil (Motallebi, 2012) Results Given atmospheric conditions of Patm=30. 65 in-Hg Tatm=21C The following results were achieved Figure 2-Pressure coefficient vs x/c for M=0. 83566 Figure 3-Pressure coefficient vs x/c for M=0. 3119 Figure 4-Pressure coefficient vs x/c for M=0. 79367 Figure 5-Pressure coefficient vs x/c for M=0. 71798 Figure 6-Pressure coefficient vs x/c for M=0. 59547 Figure 7-Pressure coefficient vs x/c for M=0. 44456 Figure 8-Cp* and Cpminvs Mach Number From go into 7 the critical Mach number is able to be determined. The critical Mach number (the maximum velocity than can be achieved before local shock conditions arise) fleets at the point where the curves for Cp* and Cpmin cross. From blueprint 7 we can see that this value is, M? =0. 732. Discussion Transonic FlowTransonic flow occurs when the re is mixed sub and supersonic local flow in the same flow field. (Mason, 2006) This principally occurs when free-stream Mach number is in the range of M=0. 7-1. 2. The local region of supersonic flow is generally terminated by a prevalent shockwave resulting in the flow slowing down to subsonic speeds. Figure 8 below shows the typical progression of shockwaves as Mach number increases. At some critical Mach number (0. 72 in the case of Figure 8), the flow becomes sonic at a single point on the upper surface of the aerofoil.This point is where the flow reaches its highest local velocity. As seen in the figure, increasing the Mach number unless, results in the development of an area of supersonic flow. Increasing the Mach number kick upstairs again then moves the shockwave toward the trailing bite of the aerofoil and a typical shockwave will develop on the lower surface of the aerofoil. As seen in figure 8, approaching very close to Mach 1, the shockwaves move to the trailing pungency of the aerofoil. For M1, the flow behaves as expected for supersonic flow with a shockwave forming at the leading edge of the aerofoil.Figure 9-Progression of shockwaves with increasing Mach number (H. H. Hurt, 1965) In normal subsonic flow, the drag is composed of 3 components-skin friction drag, pressure drag and bring on drag. The drag in transonic is markedly increased due to changes to the pressure distribution. This increased drag encountered at transonic Mach numbers is known as wave drag. The wave drag is attributed to the formation of local shockwaves and the general asymmetry of the flow. This drag increases at what is known as the drag divergence number (Mason, 2006).Once the transonic range is passed and true supersonic flow is achieved the drag decreases. Analysis From figure 7, the conclusion was reached that the critical Mach number was 0. 732. This means ultimately that in the experiment local shockwaves should be experienced somewhere along the aerofoil for Mach numbers M=0. 83566, 0. 83119 and 0. 79367. According to transonic theory, these shockwaves should be moving further along the length of the aerofoil as the freestream Mach number increases. To determine the harsh position of the shockwaves it is useful to look again at equation (4).Cp=2? M? 2pp? -1 Assuming invariable p? , as static pressure in the test section is assumed to be constant and constant free stream Mach number as well, equation (4) may be written as Cp=const. pconst. -1 Normal shockwaves usually present themselves as noncontinuous data, particularly in stagnation pressure where there is a giving drop. To detect the rough position of the shockwave on the aerofoil surface it is useful to look at the detected pressure by the different tappings and see the Cpvs x/c graph to see where the drop in pressure occurs.Investigating the graphs for the supercritical Mach numbers yields these approximate positions M x/c, % 0. 835661 40-60 0. 831199 35-55 0. 793676 25-45 Figure 10- evade showing approximate position of shockwave According to the theory described earlier, these results are correct as it demonstrates the shockwave moving further along the aerofoil as the Mach number increases. As seen in figure 8, given a sufficiently high Mach number, a shock may also occur on the lower surface of the wing. This can be seen for M=0. 835661, in figure 1, where there is a marked difference in pressure between tappings 3 and 3a.The theoretic curves on each Cpvs x/c graph were designed using the Prandtl-Glauert law. As mentioned earlier, this law is based on thin aerofoil theory, meaning it is not exact and there are sometimes liberal errors between the proposed theoretical values and the experimental values achieved. These large errors are seen most clearly in the higher Mach numbers. This is because in the transonic range, where there is a mixture of sub and supersonic flow, local shockwaves occur and the theoretical curves do not take shockwaves int o account.Hence, the theory breaks down when the freestream Mach number exceeds the critical Mach number for the aerofoil. At lower Mach numbers, the theoretical values line up reasonably well with those achieved through experiment. There only seems to be some error between the two, mainly arising in the 15-25% range. However, overall the Prandtl-Glauert law seems to be reasonably accurate as long as the Mach number remains sub-critical. The experiment itself was successful. The rough position of the shockwave and the critical Mach number were able to be identified.There are however some sources of inaccuracy or error that can be addressed of the experiment is to be repeated for bettter results. Aside from the normal human errors made during experimentation the apparatus itself could be amendd. Pressure tapping 1 (the closest to the leading edge) and pressure tapping 8 (the closest to the trailing edge) were placed at 6. 5% and 75% respectively. What this means is that they are not centralised relative to the leading and trailing edge effectively meaning it is not able to be determined whether or not the pressure is conserved.At a zero angle of incidence, the pressure at the tip of the leading edge should be equal to the pressure at the tip of the trailing edge. To improve this pressure tappings should exist at the LE and TE and possibly much pressure tappings across the aerofoil surface to provide more points for recording. some other source of improvement could be using a larger test section so that there is absolutely no disturbance in measuring the static pressure. However, this may only produce a minute difference in the data and may not be worthwhile for such little gain. ConclusionAs desired, a symmetric aerofoil was tested in transonic flow and the experimental results were compared to the theoretical values predicted by the PrandtlGlauert law. In the cases where there was a large disparity between experimental and theoretical results, an explanatio n was given, relying on the theory behind transonic flow. Bibliography H. H. Hurt, J. (1965). Aerodynamics for oceanic Aviators. Naval Air Systems Command. Mason. (2006). Transonic aerodynamics of airfoils and wings. Virginia Tech. Motallebi. (2012). Surface Pressure Measurements on an Aerofoil in Transonic Flow. London Queen Mary University of London.
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