Thursday, May 16, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 55

Case study - Essay ExampleIn addition, expeditious allot will mean routine patient evaluation of circulatory status with exercise and at rest. From the active multidisciplinary approach, Mr. P will reduce hospitalization incidents that result to increased hospital costs that have end up depressing his wife. Since Mr. P demonstrates some degree of clinical instability, further medical therapy is required next evidence-based guidelines.Through active care clinic visits, Mr. Ps condition is manageable through the use of antidiuretics and melted sodium restrictions with the therapeutically intention of treating edema and restoration of extracellular fluid compartment to normal (Cooper, 2011, p. 21). Proper care of Mr. Ps edema will contribute greatly in eliminating shortness of breath or labored breathing. In addition, the use of antidiuretics will promote Mr. Ps response to drugs like angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and beta blockers that are approved for managing patient s with cardiomyopathy that results to systolic dysfunction of the hearts left ventricle. However, patients demonstrating fanaticism to ACE drugs require additional Isosorbide dinitrate and Hydralazine hydrochloride or Angiotensin II receptor turn back (Costantini, Boyd, Huck, Carlson, & Buchers, 2001, p. 178)Daily load checks are essential in ensuring that the Mr. P does not have any weight changes due to fluid retention which is also reflected in shortness of breath and moist crackles on lungs. The surmount way to identify weight gain will be to know Mr. Ps prohibitionist weight or weight taken in the absence of edema. Mr. P will be clever on how to calculate his weight gain by subtracting his presently measured weight from the dry weight. (Costantini, Boyd, Huck, Carlson, & Buchers, 2001). Since he is managing edema, the resulting difference is expected to decrease with the right patient compliance. For both Mr. P

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