Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Holistic Nutrition Mini Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Holistic nutriment Mini Essays - Essay ExampleThey match particular molecules with each other in order to expose desired reactions in the consistence. However, these enzymes cannot realize without co-factors. This is where minerals come in. Unless an enzyme is accompanied by its co-factor/mineral, or a substitute co-factor/mineral, it lead simply sit around doing nothing (Kennedy, 2009).Copper serves as a co-factor for different enzymes in the body. It is indispensable in hemoglobin synthesis in order to convert tyrosine into melanin, which, in turn protects the skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. It is also important in the metabolism of Vitamin C, and consequently helps in maintaining the elasticity of the bodys ligaments and tendons. atomic number 30 is also a co-factor for different enzymes in our body. Zinc assists the various enzymes that metabolize carbohydrates, alcohol, and fatty acids (Cichoke, 2000). They also work with enzymes that metabolize proteins and di spose of free radicals in the body. These various co-factor activities make zinc a very good anti-oxidant. Iodine is a co-factor in enzymes which help produce the thyroid hormone liothyroninee. Iodine is necessary for thyroxin, and thyroxin is responsible for maintaining a normal metabolic rate in all the cells of the body (Kennedy, 2009).The minerals mentioned above, are skilful some of the co-factor minerals essential for the healthy functioning of our body. Minerals act as catalysts, as spurs to the existing enzymes in our body in order to eventually produce the desired effect into our system.Minerals can potentially be cooperative and harmful to our body. As with any nutrient ingested into our body, too much minerals can be toxic to our system. hotshot such mineral is manganese. Manganese toxicity usually results to multiple neurological problems. It is even more perilous when inhaled because it immediately goes to the brain without being metabolized by the liver. In some instances, it can result to permanent neurologic

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